Sharing Information
Aberdeen City Council (The Council) may transfer information to its partner agencies in order that your child can benefit, as part of their school education, from the services which those agencies provide The Council’s partner agencies are listed below together with a short explanation of what information would be shared with them and why.
NHS Grampian
Information is shared with NHS Scotland for the purposes of providing health education and health monitoring in schools. We share pupilID, Date of Birth, Name, Address, Gender, School, School Start Date, Class, School stage, Date Left School with the NHS. We have a memorandum of understanding with the NHS that allows your information to be shared.
Skills Development Scotland and further education establishments (that your child is interested in attending)
Information may be shared with these bodies for the purposes of providing your child with information about further learning opportunities and career guidance. Information shared is pupil core information (name, gender, date of birth, looked after status, etc., career intentions post school, destination post school and information on anticipated school leaving dates).
The Accord Card is used for cashless vending, cashless meals, free meals, access control and registration in schools. Information is shared so that this Aberdeen City Council Service can contact you directly with regard to the Accord Card.
Scottish Government
Information (your child’s name, gender, stage of education, attainment data, data or birth and school) would be shared to allow the collection of national statistics and the delivery of national assessments. This benefits your child’s school education as it allows your child to participate in accurate national assessments of their educational progress. The collection of national statistics allows the school your child is attending to accurately assess how it is performing nationally. We also share data from Scottish National Standardised Assessments with Scottish Government for this purpose.
Education Scotland
Information is shared with Education Scotland for the purpose of monitoring and assessing the quality of your child’s school education.
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Information will be shared for the purpose of presenting young people for national qualifications and assessments.
Limited information may also be transferred to our digital service providers for the purpose of delivering educational services to your child. The digital service service providers used are detailed below together with a short explanation of the service they provide:
Education City
(this software supports literacy, numeracy and other areas of the curriculum. Information shared is name, year group, school).
Interactive Learning Diary
This is a tool used to share a child’s experience at school with his/her parents/carers. Information is shared to allow the parent/carer to be identified for the use of the app.
Google G:Suite for Education
Digital services for schools includes Google Classroom. Information shared is name, Scottish Candidate Number, School, year group. We also use parental email addresses to allow parents to be contacted to receive updates about the assignments allocated to their child via Google Classroom.
A digital service for schools provided by Scottish Government. Glow contains a number of elements which provide email, online storage and document collaboration. Information shared is name, Scottish Candidate Number, School, year group,
Accessibility software for a wide range of computer platforms. Information shared is name and school provided email address.
Twig and TigTag
A collection of video based resources to support science, numeracy and social subjects. Information shared is name, school and school provided email address.
Educational video archive and sharing service. Information shared is name, school, year group and school provided email address.
Graded Music Examinations
Pupils who receive tuition from the Music Service may be entered for graded exams with external examination boards. The main boards used by the service are the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and Trinity College London.
In order to enter pupils into examinations, we may need to share their full name, date of birth and gender with the examination board. There is also an option to share whether they have any additional needs which could require adjustments to be made in the examination to support the candidate. Occasionally different examination boards are used, and the service would ensure that consent was given to share data with them prior to entry.